
Untreated hearing loss can lead to:

When a patient is not able to hearing properly this can be a major stress factor in their life.  This can be both in their personal life as well as their professional life.  The ability to hear can relieve patients of stress, by allowing for good communication with their family, friends and co-workers.
Patients with hearing loss are more susceptible to increased depression.  The use of hearing aids has been shown to greatly reduce these symptoms in patients with depression caused by hearing loss.
Cognitive Decline
Hearing loss is associated with the cognitive decline in aging individual. Treatment with hearing aids can slow this decline by offering stimulus to the brain that would otherwise not be available.
When a patient is not able to understand the conversation they are not able to participate.  This will lead to an individual not participating in social gathering due to the inability to discern the conversation around them.
Social Anxiety
Social settings with multiple people speaking can be a very challenging listening situation.  For someone with a hearing loss, this situation may add a lot of anxiety due to their inability to hear.  Treatment with hearing aids can help this patient feel comfortable and confident when attending social gatherings.
Dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease
Adults over the age of 65 with hearing loss are more likely to experience dementia and are more likely to experience a more rapid decline of the disease than their normal hearing peers. Treatment with hearing aids is effects more than just the ears, but also the brain as well.


A full audiologic evaluation is required to determine if you have a hearing loss, what is causing your hearing loss, and what would be an appropriate treatment.

Hearing Aids

Full Diagnostic Audiologic Evaluations
  • Air Conduction Testing
  • Bone Conduction Testing
  • Word Discrimination Testing
  • Speech in Noise Testing
Ear Canal Examination
  • Excessive Cerumen (wax)
  • Foreign objects
Middle Ear Testing
  • Ear infections
  • Broken Bones
  • Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

Hearing loss can occur in three separate portions of the auditory system:

The external auditory canal
  • Build-up of earwax
  • Foreign object in the ear canal
  • Infection of the external

Treatment options include: earwax removal, foreign object removal, and antibiotics to treat outer ear infection.

The middle ear space
(conductive hearing loss)
  • Middle ear infection
  • Broken bones in the middle ear space
  • Hole in the eardrum (tympanic membrane)

Treatment options for a conductive hearing loss include removal of the foreign object, use of antibiotics to clear out infection, patching of a hole in the eardrum, or possibly surgery.

The inner ear
(sensorineural hearing loss)
  • Ototoxic medication
  • Excessive noise exposure
  • Age related hearing loss

Treatment options for a sensorineural hearing loss include hearing aids, cochlear implants, assistive devices, and communication improvement strategies.

Learn more

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Hearing aids

Hearing aids partially overcome the deficits associated with a hearing loss. For a sensorineural hearing loss, there are several deficits to be overcome. Some sounds are...

Schedule an appointment to start the journey towards better hearing.

Schedule an appointment to have a full audiologic evaluation, followed by honest recommendations for treatment and solutions. A full range of treatment options and referrals are available to fit your needs.